NDAA, Drone Strikes and the Death of Freedom


It could be argued that the United States began it’s descent decades ago, spiraling out of control into the depths of its own misconduct and manipulation.  But, there is one distinct moment that lives on in the collective memory that marks the fall of an Empire of Freedom & Justice, it was the moment on September 11, 2001 at 9:59 am when the south tower fell and with it fell the idealism and aspirations of a young country.  In that moment the world was united, but soon the whole world would witness the decline of an American century, the degradation of an American value system steeped in a long history of Justice, Equality & Freedom.

The next year would bring the Patriot Act and the establishment of the Guantanamo Bay Detention center. The trauma and tragedy of a single event would bring forth a new era of American oppression and like the shifting scenes of a bad dream, Americans would find themselves struggling to keep up with an ever-changing landscape of an American legal system that was slowly doing away with the Bill of Rights.  Propaganda would propel the delusions of an entire nation that struggled to believe that they still stood for Freedom and Justice.

Almost an entire decade would be dedicated to the pursuits of war and terror, but the Presidential elections of 2008 would bring a reinvigoration of hope to the nation.  Promises of peace and diplomacy were the rhetoric of the day, but time would soon turn the tide on the political pandering of the populace.  We have now come to witness what the peace and diplomacy of this administration has to offer. We continue to lose rights with draconian laws like that of the  NDAA with its indefinite detentions and the death of Habeus Corpus.

In addition to the provisions of the NDAA, drone strikes on foreign nations are stretching the limits of International humanitarian law and show blatant disregard for the Geneva Conventions.  Americans now stand knee deep in the blood of 4,700 dead from these drone strikes, 178 of which are dead children, while civilian deaths have been reported as high as 800.   If our declarations of war upon foreign nations were not enough, our leaders now deem it legal to use lethal force on American citizens on U.S. soil.

Following a 13 hour filibuster concerning this issue, Thursday Senator Rand Paul declared victory when he received notice from Attorney General Eric Holder that the President would not use lethal force on “non-combatant” United States citizens.  Unfortunately, I do not share Senator Paul’s enthusiasm, as this still leaves the door open for the possibility of lethal force against American citizens.  This elaborate dog and pony show only assumes the act of opposition and provides one more public presentation of legal justification for the unconstitutional acts of a despotic leadership.

This marks a new era in American politics.  The battlefield now on American shores and a declaration of war made by the Government against its own citizens.   With questionable war tactics and failed human rights policies we join the ranks of the oppressors of history, a new chapter in the book of tyrants who have made it their practice of showing indifference to the world.  Kings attempt to masquerade as common men, but no mask can hide the true intentions of a tyrant.  Freedom hangs in the gallows and the citizens of the world look on with disgust.  We must rise against the despotism of the new American war machine otherwise we too will hang alongside Freedom in the gallows.

Just. B.

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2 comments on “NDAA, Drone Strikes and the Death of Freedom

  1. […] NDAA, Drone Strikes and the Death of Freedom […]


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