Politics, Protests and the People: An Evolution of Political Influence

Taksim Square Protest

The recent events of NSA spying, the scandal of IRS targeting, Obama’s drone wars and the Taksim Square protests in Turkey have only helped to further illuminate the growing rift between the global political system and it’s People. We the people of the world have become a caged bird squawking at our freedom through the bars of our conditioning.  The People’s hopes have been hung out to dry, becoming tattered and torn in the winds of a so-called “change”. In the ashes of our disappointment, a renovated “hope” will once again rise to be sold in its place. Continuing the conversation and further sustaining our controller’s financial and political pursuits for another 4 to 8 years. Faced with this disappointment there are still many conditioned citizens, fiends of a fraudulent Freedom, which continue to be doped up and addicted to an illusion of social progress, awaiting their next fix of political heroes and heroines.  And while many will likely rush out to the polls next election to get a fix of gender equality, as female hopefuls like Hillary Clinton and others make their way to the main stage, there is fortunately a growing number of individuals that have begun to recognize the political pageantry and posturing put forth by our so-called leaders of the free world.  How long will we allow these pushers of pre-packaged progress to hold sway over our ideas and beliefs?

This culture of corruption in the world has climbed to new heights and has begun breaking down the controls and conditioning that have captured the hearts of the people for far too long.  The credibility of our controllers has become laughable and the people are beginning to look to their leaders with disdain and disbelief, rather than with pride and praise.  Everyday we come ever closer to the realization that no one can represent us, in the same way that we can represent ourselves. A new evolution in human consciousness is upon us and we look to new ways to break old molds.  Information will be our saving grace in our pursuit for true democracy, in this political landscape which hinges upon the deceptive practices of its contributors.

As the democratization of information continues to revolutionize the cultural constructs of yesterdays past, we stand on the cusp of a new epoch in the intellectual development of the human species and thankfully 2 Billion plus people around the world are now apart of a global conversation.  A conversation which informs, entertains, and documents the story of the people.  The technological manifestations of our intellect are changing the ways with which we interact with each other and the world.  American engineer and Intel entrepreneur Peter Diamandis has explained that new technologies will soon democratize production globally, leading to a new paradigm of abundance. In this same thread we are seeing a democratization of political power and influence as well, which is leading to an abundance of information and innovation. The death of history lies on the horizon as the global village begins to document their own story, narrating their own past, present and future, free from the hands of a dominant class.

While this normalization of power proliferates, it continues to present new and unexpected challenges for the political paradigm of our global society. We as a collective are beginning to realize the true nature of our influence and are beginning to exercise that influence as a path to political, social and economic change. Modern finance is evolving as we attempt to free it from the bondage of banking institutions and government controls with the advent of new money technologies like that of Bitcoin.The internet is developing new voices which have never before been heard, that now echo across the airwaves and inhabit the brainwaves of street rats and fat cats alike.

Change is in the chatter, so let us join the conversation and evolve. Our growing collective is manifesting new realities by the minute which we then reinvent, refine and re-define for the global community.  This global conversation is projecting new ideologies everyday into the ether of the internet for each of us to consume, transform, and re-innovate for further reproduction.  We are living on the cusp of an intellectual infinite where every person on the earth will have the ability to access information, incorporate innovations, and proliferate their own progress into the human story being laid out in front of us all. We are here to bear witness to a great revolution in the human spirit where a change of guard awaits us, in a future of self-representation and self-expression. So let us create our place in the hallways of history, by speaking the Truth, fighting for Freedom and collectively developing a reality which reflects the true nature of our ideals.  Tune out of the Tyranny, turn onto the Truth and drop out of a system that has nothing to do with who you are.  Stand for yourself and for those around you, and let us change the world.

Just. B.

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